Thursday, June 18, 2009

Buy Local Block Party

In my efforts to encourage folks to buy local produce, meats, etc, I wanted to help get word out about an event taking place on Sunday, June 28 from 1-4:00 PM in (or at?) Arts Alley, right next to Mayorga Coffee at 8030 Georgia Ave called the Buy Local Block Party.

While there won't be many food vendors at the event, it does look like something worth checking out. Moorenko will be there to cool everyone down with its wonderful ice cream and if that doesn't work for you Hook and Ladder will be out pouring their finest brews. You'll no doubt see me in that line. I may have to break out my rather large German beer stein for the afternoon.

You'll be able to enjoy your sweets and brews accompanied by some Afro beat hip hop sounds - I won't even attempt to comment on this since I absolutely know nothing about it - and then later a couple DJ's from the good folks at Roadhouse Oldies will likely be spinning some old school vinyl.

In addition, Pyramid Atlantic will be there, also portrait sketching, yoga demos, and our own Jerry McCoy regaling folks with stories of SS history.

It's undoubtedly an event not to be missed. See you there.


WashingtonGardener said...

I'll be there with Washington Gardener magazine plus lots of plants at great prices courtesy of the Beltsville Garden Club and their greenhouse.

socoblogboy said...

Thanks for the heads up. What kind of plants can we expect? As an avid gardener myself, I always have room for a couple more, especially if something interesting is available.

Springvale Roader said...

Soco: let us hope that Hook & Ladder brings along some Pipe and Drum Irish Ale and that Ember Amber they brag about.

Washington Gardener, do you have any advice on converting grass lawns into eco-friendly native plants with busting the bank?

WashingtonGardener said...

Hi - the selection will be mainly houseplants, herbs, and some edibles like tomatoes and peppers (if any left). Aimed at apt/condo dwellers or office workers.

Springvale, I assume you meant WithOUT busting the bank ;-). Yes, we did two diff cover stories - one on native gardening and another on lawn replacement with groundcovers. Depending on th size and location of your lawn (full sun, deep shade?) it should be fairly easy to do with native sedums. Many gardeners are more than happy to share what they have. I started off with hust a small baggie full and now have it cocer about 20x20 ft of ground within 4 years.

Springvale Roader said...

Washington Gardener,

Oh yeah, I meant withOUT busting the bank. Anyway, we have full Southern exposure on our front yard. I will check out your articles.

Aside from not liking to mow, I hate myself for always mowing down those little white flowers that pop up. The bees need to eat, after all, and I feel like a heel depriving them of their food.

WashingtonGardener said...

SR - leave the white clover! Don't let the corporate mktrs make you think it is not part of a good lawn mix -- it is much healthier for the soil and your bees than turf grass. Actually, until the 1960s - clover was sold as part of lawn seed mixes - then someone needed to sell broad-leaf weed killer and that killed all the clover in folks lawns and left customers mighty unhappy. What did brilliant mktrs do? "oh we meant to kill that too" Demonize the clover as bad - we live in a sick world.

BTW you can still buy white clover seeds in bulk at farmers supply places.