Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo en SoCo

In case folks in the hood are looking for a Cinco de Mayo celebration, there is one happening this evening on Hellsworth.

However, it should be noted, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican independence day, that is Sept 16, the most important national patriotic holiday in the country. Cinco de Mayo is mainly celebrated in the state of Puebla commemorating the Battle of Puebla where French forces were defeated on May 5, 1862.

However, we have co-opted this day as a convenient excuse to party and drink. Yeah for America. And appropriately, SoCo will have its own "fiesta." Hellworth will be closed to make room for a stage that will host mariachi music, Latin jazz and dancers - this is according to the Washington Post. It is reported that Austin Grill is expanding its patio to create a "Mexican beer garden," with $2 Mexican Flag shooters and $5 margaritas and beers. This sounds pretty authentic to me.

If anyone goes, I'll be really curious to see AG's "Mexican beer garden." My gut says it's their patio decorated with some Mexican flags. Viva Cinco de Mayo!


Sligo said...

In the original email I got, it simply said that they would have "Mexican Shooters". If they had gun battles, I'd probably show up.

socoblogboy said...

Although it's probably in poor taste, but you don't have to travel too far south of the border - if any at all - if you want to find some real "Mexican shooters", armed with US guns of course. You mess with those drug gangs and watch out.

Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
