Monday, May 18, 2009

Early Summer Break - back in 3 weeks

I hope the flag to the left gives you an indication of where I am heading later today. I see much cured meats, vino and pasta in my future.

My wife and I are celebrating a significant wedding anniversary so we're heading across the pond. In addition to eating, I guess we'll do some sightseeing, and visiting some of my family who live in Abruzzo.

And once done there, we move on for the second half of the trip. We'll undoubtedly continue our gastronomic journey eating probably the best pork on earth, paella, fresh seafood, and drinking more vino - but this time poured from high over our heads. There will certainly be a large dry cleaning bill for me once I get back to SoCo.

I plan to take many pictures of the delicacies we encounter. If I can blog while I am gone I'll do so, if not then upon my return. OK, behave yourselves. Ciao.


Sara said...

I cannot wait to hear all about it. Happy Anniversary!

socoblogboy said...

Thanks! Just finished a lovely breakfast in Venice. Off to the countryside.